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  • Writer's pictureKisha

Supportive Sunday

I recently read a post that said “Shout out to all my girls who never like, share, support, or attend any of my stuff.”

Are you that girl?

Have you heard the phrase – it hit different? Before I may have thought whatever, but now since I’ve started my own business and working closely with Imperfectly Perfect Wear on marketing as a (paid yup my niece pays me - we tend to expect things from people we know for free, a topic for another day) virtual stylist that post hit different. I identify with it completely. Think about it… we spend a lot of time on social media scrolling, reading, hitting like, love, care, etc. Who do you get most of your likes from? Is it the people you talk to on a regular basis or are all of your followers and friends actively involved? On any given day I can expect no more than maybe 7 likes when I have well over 100 followers and friends. I’ve had times where I’ve posted a funny meme and received more shares than likes, they clearly enjoyed it enough to share but not enough hit like. I’ll post on my story and get no less than 60 views. Oh, don’t let me forget how I’ll post something then get a text about the post but no commentary on the actual post. Isn’t it called “social” media? Moral, it’s clear more than my circle of seven are seeing my posts.

I try to support my friends in any way I can. Here are some examples: 1) when I am active on social media and see a post I am entertained by I engage 2) my friend is starting a candle business and even though my brand is focused on apparel, because I have a love for her and interior design I created a Style Guide using pajamas incorporating the candle – follow me on Instagram to see my creativity ;-) 3) a few years ago another friend branched out and started doing makeup not only did I support her behind the scenes, several people I referred became clients even repeat clients. I am pretty sure I could give 100 more examples but I won’t because you get where I’m coming from.

I do things from the goodness of my heart never expecting things in return, but that doesn’t mean I turn a blind eye to my family and friends that don’t show up for me while watching them show up for others. Ding! Ding! Ding! This is why we are shouting out our girls, because we watch them support others but not us. Hey, maybe it’s the product being offered… maybe they truly aren’t interested but the flip side is they probably know someone who is… who knows?!?! What I do know is a simple share doesn’t hurt anyone.

My mother always told me you can’t control other people only yourself and just because you do something for someone doesn’t mean they will do it for you but God is always watching. Those are certainly words of wisdom. She’s right and just because I support others the fact of the matter is being supportive is not an obligation.

How many businesses did you just count? 3

Shout out to all the GIRLS who never like, share, support, or attend any of my stuff and to my QUEENS that support whether it’s a conversation, listening ear, follow, like, share, booking, referral, or purchase


now go buy a shirt, hoodie or even a mask (we’re still living in a pandemic) from Imperfectly Perfect Wear, check out Shop Style Guide for ways to wear and make sure to email me your look for a chance to be featured on Instagram.

Click the link:

When starting a small business word of mouth can be crucial. Although, the ultimate goal is to go well beyond just your family and friends it's surely helpful when they spread the word.

Share the link to this blog and go tell someone about The Closet Piece TODAY a Style Guide with product information is very affordable starting at $15.

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