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  • Writer's pictureKisha

Primary Health Care Provider

I had a tragic incident happen the beginning of December. It has caused me to shut down internally and externally. I’ve been on hiatus from the outside world for about a month now. I haven’t left my home outside of getting essentials, I haven’t combed my hair, I haven’t gotten a manicure or pedicure, I haven’t responded to text messages and if I’m being honest I don’t even read them, I haven’t posted on any social media pages... I’ve truly ignored the outside world. I had one friend go through extreme measures to reach me and I love her for that as I’m in that weird place where I don’t want to be bothered but I need someone to literally show up for me at the same time. During this time what I have done is thrown myself in to work. I’ve worked 80+ hours in one week. Work is my paid distraction. While I’m sure this behavior is a bit extreme and sounds like I need a good therapist it’s sometimes good to unplug. We’re always so connected, and more connected in the world of others... people that don’t even know us... than we are with those around us. When you wake up in the morning I bet one of the first things you do is check your phone whether it’s for missed calls, text messages, timelines, or your favorite social media accounts. When is the last time reaching for your device wasn’t the first thing you did? Stop, be in the moment whether you’re alone, next to a loved one, or have loved ones in the next room. These moments may one day be memories and all you have left.

This coming week will mark the beginning possible continuation or ending of a dreadful spell, which made me double back to the continuing topic of self-love. Jordan Andrea talks about self-love languages: doing, giving, feeling, thinking, and being present self-love. I’m challenging myself to do all five regularly & intentionally and I invite you to join me. We are our own primary health care provider.

  • Doing: Clean & Organize, Delegate, Work on a to-do-list

  • Giving: Go on a trip, Buy yourself a gift, Take yourself on a date

  • Feeling: Take a bath, Exercise

  • Thinking: Affirmations, Journal

  • Being Present: Meditate, Set boundaries

While I’ll prob stay on hiatus for the remainder of the month I’m looking forward to stepping out in the world dressed, refreshed, alongside the ones I love, and ready to face “normal people’s problems”. Until next time sister girls... thank you for hanging in my closet.

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